TWO LEFT: Ruby Sponsorship: PEO Happy Hour: $8,000


$8,000 – To reserve this sponsorship, please contact for an invoice, as it requires advance payment by CHECK or ACH.

Ruby Partner Sponsorship: PEO CEO Exclusive Happy Hour Sunday, before the Welcome Reception.

You MUST be a PACE Associate Member to sponsor an event.

More Details

Ruby Partner Sponsorship: Exclusive PEO C-Suite Happy Hour Sunday, before the Welcome Reception.

To reserve this sponsorship, please contact for an invoice, as it requires advance payment by CHECK or ACH.

Limited to five sponsors. You may register and pay for up to 3 attendees.

You MUST be a PACE Associate Member to sponsor an event.

       NEW & Exclusive: Open to ALL PEO ATTENDEES and Ruby, Platinum, & Diamond, Sponsors only

Includes admittance to the CEO PEO VIP Happy Hour for your company’s attendees

Includes logo slideshow & a full-page ad in the conference booklet.

Includes your logo, ad text, & web link on PACE website as PACE partner.

“Ruby Partner Sponsor” will be printed on your conference nametag(s.)