SOLD OUT: Diamond Partner Sponsorship: Gala Dinner & Auction: $27,000


$27,000 – To reserve this sponsorship, please contact as it requires advance payment by CHECK or ACH.

Diamond Partner Sponsorship: Gala Dinner & Auction

You MUST be a PACE Associate Member to sponsor an event.

More Details

Diamond Partner Sponsorship: Gala Dinner & Auction

To reserve this sponsorship, please contact as it requires advance payment by CHECK or ACH.

You MUST be a PACE Associate Member to sponsor an event.

This event is limited to one sponsor. You may register and pay for up to 4 attendees.

Includes a 75-minute educational (NON- SALES) presentation at the conference by you, the sponsor.

Includes admittance to the PEO Exclusive Happy Hour for your company’s attendees – NEW & Exclusive: only PEOs, PEO Brokers, and Ruby, Platinum, & Diamond Sponsors may attend

Includes logo slideshow & a full-page ad in the conference booklet.

Includes your logo, ad text, & web link on PACE website as PACE partner.

“Diamond Partner Sponsor” will be printed on your conference nametag(s.)